1. A. A. Andronov, A. A. Vitt, and S. E. Khaikin, Theory of Oscillators (Nauka, Moscow, 1981; Pergamon, Oxford, 1966).
2. M. V. Kapranov, V. N. Kuleshov, and G. M. Utkin, Oscillation Theory in Radio Engineering (Nauka, Moscow, 1984) [in Russian].
3. P. S. Landa, Self-Oscillations in Distributed Systems (Nauka, Moscow, 1982) [in Russian].
4. P.S. Landa, Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Fiz., Astron., No. 3, 303 (1975).
5. A. G. Gurevich, Ferrites at Microwaves (Fizmatgiz, Moscow, 1970; Consultants Bureau, New York, 1963).