Mathematical Models of Microwave and Photonic Devices Engaging Strong Nonlinearities Using Decomposition on Nonlinear Autonomous Blocks


Makeeva G. S.1,Golovanov O. A.1


1. Department of Radioengineering, Penza State University, 40, Krasnaya Street, Penza, 440026 Russia


Mathematical modeling technique based on solving the nonlinear Maxwell’s equations (Eqs.) rigorously using the decomposition approach on nonlinear autonomous blocks partially filled by the nonlinear media with a “strong” nonlinearity (NABs) and reliable engineering method for numerical computation of microwave and photonic nonlinear 3D devices engaging strong nonlinearities, applicable in CAD, were developed. To determine the NAB descriptors the iterative computational process for solving the nonlinear 3D diffraction boundary problems with the non-asymptotic radiation boundary conditions on the NAB bounds was performed using the projection method. The iteration method of recomposition of NABs is developed using the linearization of its descriptors. Using the computational algorithm for solving nonlinear diffraction boundary problems performed as NABs and improved computation algorithm of determination of bifurcation points the nonlinearity thresholds in the magnetic nanoarrays at microwaves were numerically simulated.


World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Computer Networks and Communications,Computer Science Applications

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