Performance Evaluation of Intellectual Resources Management in Russian Companies


Пуляева ,Pulyaeva Valentina


At the moment intellectual resources of the organization and society have acquired an unprecedentedly high value in the economic environment. That is the level of development of intellectual resources that defi ne the success of the commercial organization in the global competition, when new technologies and knowledge, along with scientifi c and technical progress, determine the competitiveness of products and services. The paper provides the results of calculation of the value of intellectual capital by the method of market capitalization, as well as offi cial data on innovation activities of Russian commercial organizationsand the share of exports of high technology products. The results of the analysis show an insuffi cient level of development of the intellectual resources of the Russian companies and the need to enhance their innovation and research activities, including measures of public support, in times of economic sanctions and searching of import substitution technologies.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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