Ways to Recruit and Retain Specialists in Innovation-Oriented Organizations of Russia


Жигун ,ZHigun Lyeonid


The paper discusses how to create proper arrangements to attract and retain high-class professionals, innovation-oriented organizations are in need of. Key elements of a vacant job attractiveness from the standpoint of a job seeker are highlighted. It is emphasized that conditional to retaining recruited workers is the ability of employing company to meet the needs and wants on part of workers, as these are increasing as the production, labor, social and psychological relations at work undergo changes. Attention is drawn to the fact, that wants and needs of well-qualifi ed employees diff er radically from those of conventional workforce and to meet these conventional needs is insuffi cient to recruit and retain highly professional specialists. The analysis of gaps between employers’ requirements to personnel and counter requirements of innovation-driven specialists to job positions are analyzed based on the D. Goleman, R. Boyatzis and A. McKee model, which breakdowns employees’ intellectual activities in four groups of emotional intelligence competences, namely, emotional self-awareness; self-control; social sensitivity and relationship management. Based on results of analysis, the author puts forward a proposal, that the policies of recruiting and retaining innovation-driven workers should be built on the foundation of scientifi c principles, set forth in this paper, thus enabling employers to set up proper work conditions helpful to creative intellectual work in the given sphere of activities.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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