Comparative Analysis of Different Types Educational Institutions� Readiness for Teaching Pupils with Cerebral Palsy


������� ,Abkovich Alla,�������� ,Levchenko Irina


The article focuses on parents� and teachers� expert assessment of readiness of educational institutions to teach pupils with infantile cerebral palsy (ICP). The authors identified special educational conditions necessary for successful education of ICP children and developed questionnaires to determine the level of satisfying these conditions in three types of educational institutions. The questionnaires include questions on the following categories of special conditions: barrier-free architectural environment and the availability of special technical equipment and devices for teaching; staff; software and methodological support; medical support and recovery activities; psychological and pedagogical support and intervention work; provisions for orthopedic treatment; cooperation with parents. Results of questioning allowed carrying out the monitoring of special educational conditions relying on Federal State Educational Standard for pupils with limited health abilities. The article presents a comparative analysis of the survey among parents and teachers of special schools for children with musculoskeletal disorders, secondary schools and schools of distance learning, which educate children with cerebral palsy.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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