Peculiarities of anodic dissolution activation at laser-electrochemical treatment of KNT-16 no-tungsten hard alloy in 10 % water solution of sodium nitrate


Гаар Надежда,Gaar Nadezhda,Рахимянов Харис1,Rakhimyanov Kharis2,Локтионов Александр,Loktionov Aleksandr


1. Новосибирский государственный технический университет

2. Novosibirsk State Technical University


The peculiarities of an electrochemical dilution of KNT-16 tungstenless hard alloy in the water solution of sodium nitrate without laser emission imposition and at the impact of laser emission with wave lengths of 1.06 mcm and 0.53 mcm have been considered. It is established that the imposition of laser emission of both wave lengths (1.09 mcm and 0.53 mcm) in the area of treatment with the use of the frequency of pulse sequence equal to 10 kHz allows increasing current density as compared with the dilution without emission imposition three – five times more.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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1. Laser electro-chemical treatment tungsten free hard alloy KNT16 in 10% aqueous solution of sodium chloride;Science intensive technologies in mechanical engineering;2018-04-19







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