Laser electro-chemical treatment tungsten free hard alloy KNT16 in 10% aqueous solution of sodium chloride


Гаар Надежда1,Gaar Nadezhda2


1. Новосибирский государственный технический университет

2. Novosibirsk State Technical University


The results on laser electro-chemical treatment of tungsten free hard alloy KNT16 in 16% aqueous solution of sodium chloride at the use of laser emission with the wave length 1.06 mkm at different values of the frequency of pulse sequence in the range of potentials from 0 to 5V are presented. The investigations were carried out with the use of polarization methods: a potentio-static method and potentio-dynamic one on the special developed plant in the electro-chemical cell with the platinum electrode of comparison. It is defined that the application of laser emission for process activation of the electro-chemical dissolution of tungsten free hard alloy in aqueous solution of sodium chloride results in current density increase up to 6 times. The impact of pulse sequence frequency upon electro-chemical alloy dissolution at the process activation with the length of 1.06 mkm is emphasized. The highest value of current density is achieved at the frequency of pulse sequence 2.5kHz.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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