1. Kazan State Agrarian University
2. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
The basis of the material and technical base of the functioning of enterprises are fixed assets. Therefore, the effective organization of accounting and internal control of operations with fixed assets is one of the important tasks facing the management of any enterprise. The purpose of the study is to improve the methodological tools for internal control of the movement of fixed assets at the enterprise, which contribute to the effective assessment of the accounting system and the conduct of control and analytical procedures. To improve the methodological support of internal control of the movement of fixed assets, an internal control working document (ICWD) “Test for assessing the accounting system of fixed assets” was developed, which allows you to identify critical areas of accounting with a high level of risk and determine the means necessary for conducting control procedures. The ICWD “Report on the presence and safety of fixed assets” and “Checking the execution of primary documents for the disposal of fixed assets” developed in the course of research allow the collection of information to confirm the reality of the articles of the financial statements; to establish the reliability of the facts of disposal of fixed assets and to guarantee the quality of original source documentation. To carry out control measures when checking the depreciation of fixed assets, testing should be carried out on the basis of the “Test for checking the correctness of depreciation” developed by the ICWD, using which you can promptly identify violations in the procedure for calculating depreciation. The proposed working documents will make it possible to carry out control procedures, accumulate evidence that can be used in the formation of a report on the results of the audit and the development of recommendations to improve the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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