
Klychova Guzaliya1,Zakirova Alsu1,Valiev Ayrat1,Yusupova Al'fiya2,Husainova Amina3


1. Kazan state agrarian University

2. FGBOU VO «Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet»

3. Mezhregional'nyy filial Federal'nogo kazennogo uchrezhdeniya «Centr po obespecheniyu deyatel'nosti Kaznacheystva Rossii»


The increased attention to the topic of digital agriculture on the part of the state and high competition contribute to the use of new technological mechanisms and methods of work by agricultural producers, which are based on the use of Internet technologies, satellite navigation, robotics, sensors and sensors, and unmanned vehicles. One of the most important branches of agriculture that ensures the country's food security is crop production. For the development of crop production, it is necessary to solve the problems of reducing the quantity and quality of the resulting crop due to inadequate nutrition and care, untimely harvesting and improper storage. To increase the efficiency and sustainability of the industry, digitalization is required, both of production systems and decision-making processes at all levels of management. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of the crop management system based on digital technologies. The study examines the stages of a digital crop management system: accounting of sown areas with the maintenance of an electronic map of fields; organization of crop rotation, taking into account the organizational, soil-climatic and economic aspects of production; monitoring the performance of technological operations; control over agricultural machinery with the formation of primary documents for accounting for work performed; maintaining a subsystem of material resources using precision farming; filling out technological maps and accounting for the actual work performed, reflecting the list of works, the composition of agricultural units, the timing of operations, the rates of production and consumption of fuel, the need for seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products, the cost of resources. The digitalization of agricultural processes makes it possible to increase yields, productivity and efficiency in the use of material resources, technology and human potential


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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