
Dzhikiya Meri11


1. Finansovyy universitet pri Pravitel'stve Rossiyskoy Federacii


The efficient use of resources in the agricultural economy and a significant increase in agricultural production volumes have ensured a more sustainable development of all activities of agricultural organizations. Therefore, there is an objective need for the formation of integrated reporting in these organizations for the purpose of presenting to users reliable and complete not only financial information, but also non-financial information, which in integration represents a holistic picture of the combination, relationship, interdependence between factors affecting the organization’s ability to create value in the form of funds and items of labor, current costs and capital investments. The main source of financing for value creation for the reporting period and for the long term is financial capital, which changes over time, that is, increases, decreases or transforms into various types of capital: reproductive and intellectual capital; human capital; social capital; natural-ecological capital. In this regard, the objective formation and disclosure of information about all changes in capital associated with the creation of value in agricultural organizations becomes an urgent task. The generation and disclosure of such information is currently quite difficult in agricultural organizations due to the lack of an appropriate information base. The proposed digital economic information system, including subsystems for accounting, analysis, planning and verification of information, makes it possible to fundamentally change the formation of integrated reporting indicators in the direction of increasing the degree of their reliability, comparability, objectivity, reliability and usefulness for users to make scientifically based economic decisions. The study substantiates the methodology for maintaining off-balance sheet accounting of the presence and movement of capital in dual-use accounts, in which transactions are recorded using the double entry method and the simple entry method. All changes in capital in these accounts are reflected and taken into account when forming the economic, social and environmental infrastructure of the organization, as well as when disposing of (writing off) various types of funds from these areas of activity. In addition, the information from these accounts allows, in integrated reporting, to draw up a special form of balance of resources and capital, used to assess the efficiency of resource use in the economic, social and environmental spheres of the organization’s activities.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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