
Bobkov Sergey1,Bychkov Ivan1


1. Federal'nyy nauchnyy centr zernobobovyh i krupyanyh kul'tur


The objective consisted in study of wild pea representatives on chlorophyll and carotenoid content for use in producing new varieties with high photosynthetic efficiency and optimal assimilate distribution. The research was conducted in 2016‑2017 in Federal Scientific Center of Legumes and Groat Crops (Orel). Plants were grown on experimental field with density 1.2 million plants/ha on triplicated plots 1 m2. Wild pea accessions k-5322 (asiaticum), k-3370 (elatius), k-4014 (elatius) from VIR collection and varieties Temp and Stabil were used. Wild accessions k-3370 and k-5322 had more chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids then leafy Temp variety on 24.5 %, 28.2 %, 41.5 % and 13.3 %, 2.7 %, 18.7 % respectively. Unlike the cultivated pea, accessions k-3370 and k-5322 retain high level of chlorophylls a and b in ontogenesis longer time. After transition from bud formation to the beginning of seed filling content of chlorophylls a and b in accession k-3370 was at the same level (11.71 mg/g и 11.1 mg/g respectively), in accession k-5322 it decreased insignificantly from 11.31 mg/g to 9.72 mg/g. Nevertheless, in variety Temp content of chlorophylls a and b significantly decreased on 34.1 % after transition from bud formation to the seed filling. Wild accession k-3370 like pea varieties had low chlorophyll a/b ratio (2.92), but accession k-5322 had the highest value (3.26) of the ratio. In wild accession k-3370 and k-5322 the chlorophyll a/b ratio was changed in ontogenesis that is no-typical for Temp variety. Pea wild accessions can be considered as sources of valuable alleles determining the high level of chlorophylls and carotenoids


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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