
Akhmedova Patimat


The aim of the work is to evaluate new F1 tomato hybrids in the winter-spring circulation, to identify the optimal timing of their planting in protected ground, to determine the most economically promising of them for the natural and climatic conditions of Dagestan. The studies were carried out in 2018–2020 in the greenhouse facilities of LLC “Agro-AS” of the Republic of Dagestan. The scheme of the two-factor experiment provided for the study of the following options: tomato hybrid (factor A) - mid-ripening hybrid Tivay 12 F1, mid-ripening hybrid T-34 F1, late-ripening hybrid Pink Ball F1; transplanting date (factor B) - early (January 10), medium (January 20), late (January 30). Sowing seeds for growing seedlings was carried out for each planting date, respectively, November 20, November 30 and December 10. Repetition 3 times, the area of the accounting plot - 2.5 m2. The largest yield was formed when the seedlings were planted on January 20, the yield of hybrids in total for 4.5 months was 23.0 ... 28.0 kg/m2. When planting seedlings on 10.01, it decreased by 0.55 ... 1.79 kg/m2, and on 30.01 - by 1.91 ... 2.56 kg/ m2. According to the yield level, the results of the tasting assessment of fruits and the economic efficiency of production, the hybrids represent the following decreasing series: T-34 F1> Tivay 12 F1> Pink Ball F1. Of the tested varieties, the domestic hybrid T-34 F1 and the Dutch hybrid Tivay 12 F1 are the most suitable for growing in protected soil in Dagestan. Economically more efficient is the time of planting seedlings in the substrate in the winter-spring turnover in the suburbs of Makhachkala on January 20, which provides the highest yield and net income per unit area


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

Reference11 articles.

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