
Budarin Sergey1,El'bek Yuliya2


1. Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management

2. GBU «Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizacii zdravoohraneniya i medicinskogo menedzhmenta Departamenta zdravoohraneniya goroda Moskvy»


The potential for improving the efficiency of medical organizations that provide medical care to the population in conditions of limited resources largely depends on an objective and comprehensive assessment of their use. In this regard, the research of methodological and practical approaches to assessing the efficiency and rational use of resource potential, which are important for different levels of the organization of the health system, including the provision of medical care to citizens living in rural areas, is of particular relevance. The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between indicators for assessing the quality of resource management and indicators of access to medical care of medical organizations of the state health system in Moscow that provide primary health care to adults in 2019. The quality of resource management was assessed using 27 indicators selected for the purpose of the study in 4 areas of resource management (financial management, procurement management, property management, personnel management), provided by the methodology of the resource management quality standard (RMQS). For each indicator, the calculated score based on the importance value (weight value) a normative criterion of evaluation and the degree of difficulty, and by summing up of scores obtained a composite score. The assessment of the availability of medical care is also calculated using the method of point estimates based on 7 indicators developed through the use of the methodology of performance audit. The article presents the results of a study based on data from 9 Moscow city polyclinics, which confirmed the existence of a correlation between the selected indicators of the quality of resource management and the availability of medical care. The total score for 2019 for the selected indicators of resource management quality varies from 9.62 points to 13.92 points, availability-from 5.54 to 11.63 points, and the correlation coefficient was 0.612


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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