
Aleksandrova Natal'ya1,Subaeva Asiya2,Nizamutdinov Marat3,Titov Nikolay4


1. Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy named after P.A.Stolypin

2. FGBOU VO «Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy agrarnyy universitet – MSHA im. K.A. Timiryazeva»

3. Kazan state agrarian University

4. FGBOU DPO «Tatarskiy institut perepodgotovki kadrov agrobiznesa »


The problem of improving state support for enterprises of the dairy product complex, in particular dairy cattle breeding, remains relevant. Its solution will contribute to the preservation of livestock and increase milk production. The current system of state support for agricultural producers in Ulyanovsk region in the form of subsidies for sold milk is inefficient, and only organizations that ensure an increase in milk yield, as well as maintaining milk production and calf output per 100 cows, can receive it. In addition, the amount of subsidy per 1 liter of milk sold is only 0.54 rubles. This does not stimulate the development of dairy cattle breeding in the region, as evidenced by the low growth rate of gross milk yield for 2014–2018. The sector’s efficiency in agricultural enterprises - the main producers of marketed milk - decreased by 6.0 percentage points, amounting to 21.9% in 2018. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for improving state support for dairy cattle breeding in the Ulyanovsk region. In general, it should be aimed at preserving (increasing) the number of dairy herds and maintaining the productivity of cows not lower than the average regional value. The amount of the proposed subsidies under the state support program for dairy cattle breeding in the region may amount to 12.0 thousand rubles. per 1 cow, including 2.0 thousand rubles for the safety of the livestock, 10.0 thousand rubles - for the productivity of cows. With this approach, in 2018, 52.5 million rubles would have been required for state support for the development of the dairy cattle industry in agricultural enterprises in the region, the subsidy per 1 liter of milk sold would have amounted to 1.66 rubles


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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