
Gaynutdinov Ilgizar1,Mukhametgaliev Farit1,Asadullin Nail1,Khismatullin Marsel1,Avhadiev Fayaz1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


In the qualitative improvement and replenishment of the main dairy herd with a productivity of 7000 to 9000 kg of milk by purebred animals, the role of certified breeding farms producing breeding material is great. Data on providing the dairy cattle breeding industry with breeding material (bull semen, breeding stock) show that the cattle breeding industry is largely dependent on import supplies. Thus, the share of imported breeding stock in the domestic market for 2021 in the Russian Federation amounted to 36.3%. An analysis of breeding business development on the example of the Republic showed that 47 certified breeding farms operate on the territory of the Republic. In total, these farms keep a little more than 183 thousand heads of cattle, of which more than 150 thousand heads, or 82%, are identified as breeding. In 2021, the breeding farms of the Republic sold livestock products (milk, offspring) in the amount of 11,693 million rubles. Not all breeding farms perform their main function - the cultivation and sale of breeding stock. So, in 2021, out of 47 breeding farms, 25 did not sell breeding stock, which means that they grow breeding stock only to meet their own needs, and not for sale. The remaining 22 breeding farms had about 2% of the proceeds from the sale of breeding young animals, while, in advanced farms, it reaches 28% of the total cash proceeds of cattle breeding, which shows a low level of raising commercial breeding young animals in the breeding farms of the republic. Of the 43 municipal districts of the republic, in 26 as of 2022, there were no breeding farms, which indicates a low provision of municipal districts of the republic with breeding farms. In these municipal areas, the average productivity of the dairy herd for 2017-2021. amounted to 4857 kg of milk, with an average productivity of cows in the republic of 5521 kg. The exception is the Aktanyshsky municipal district, where the average productivity was 6395 kg. About 60% of breeding farms operate on the territory of 5 municipal districts of the republic, in which the average productivity of cows over 5 years ranged from 7503 kg to over 8618 kg of milk per year. In productivity groups: 7504-8617 and more than 8618 kg per one municipal district there are from 5 to 6 breeding farms in general, i.e. the coefficient of provision with breeding farms, calculated as the ratio of the number of breeding farms to the number of municipal districts in the group, is 5.0-6.5. Regression analysis of the dependence of the productivity of cows on the provision of breeding and farms in municipal areas shows a significant dependence of the productivity of cows in productivity groups, ranging from 4162-5275 kg to the productivity group over 8618 kg, on the provision of their breeding farms. The regression equation constructed for groups of municipal districts with cow productivity over 4162 kg indicates that an increase in the provision of breeding farms in the municipal district leads to an increase in the average annual milk yield by 2641 kg.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Fuel Technology

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