Personnel Motivation Research in Russian Organizations of Construction Industry


Субочева ,Subocheva A.,Соболь ,Sobol O.,Красова ,Krasova V.


The diffi cult socio-economic conditions, the problem of motivation in Russian companies has deteriorated, and its solution required by most organizations active search for new approaches to the personnel management. A special role in the current economic climate plays construction industry, which is characterized by a specifi c approach to the management of personnel in connection with specifi c activities. This is due to the relevance of research problems of staff motivation organizations whose activities are related to the construction, in the new socio-economic conditions. In the article the modern approaches to the interpretation of the term “motivation”. The paper includes analysis of the level of staff satisfaction material and non-material motivation as an example of a Russian organization specializing in construction. Authors considered the company’s existing system of benefi ts and rewards incentive and compensatory nature. The article presents the obtained data in the survey on the assessment of the employees of the current system of material and non-material motivation.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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1. MANAGEMENT OF LABOR MOTIVATION: CURRENT PROBLEMS WITH REGARD TO THE HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS;Management of the Personnel and Intellectual Resources in Russia;2017-05-04







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