
Lysenko I.1


1. Tyumen Industrial University


Objective: to identify the need to take into account the current dynamics of decent work indicators in the formation of socio-economic policy of the state. Results: Creating and maintaining conditions for decent work reflect the goals of sustainable development and economic growth. The implementation of the concept of decent work has allowed to settle some issues of remuneration, to create safe working conditions at work. The solution to the problems of the unbalanced situation in the labor market is associated with the emergence of new models of interaction between employers and employees, as well as the geopolitical situation that does not contribute to maintaining decent work in modern conditions. Conclusions: Decent work is aimed at increasing labor productivity, reducing unemployment and improving access to financial services and benefits. The key to this is to encourage entrepreneurship and create jobs in the country.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

Reference11 articles.

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