1. Ufa University of Science and Technology
At the moment, global geopolitical tensions have an impact on all areas of economic activity in the Russian Federation through the introduction of economic sectoral sanctions. Together with the reform of the education system, this entails an additional burden on the system of training qualified specialists in various sectors of the Russian economy. An acute shortage of specialists with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities hinders the process of import substitution. As a result, to solve the problem of professional training of employees in the current economic conditions, a strategic model of professional training of personnel is proposed. The scientific novelty lies in the proposed model of a systematic approach to personnel training, based on the practical orientation of the proposed solutions and aimed at achieving a strategy for import substitution of production equipment of the JSC «Transneft-Ural» organization. The practical significance is the developed systematic approach to personnel training, which ensures the formation of competencies among the employees of the organization of JSC «Transneft-Ural», to work on new production equipment in the conditions of its import substitution.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Reference10 articles.
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2. Modern Trends in the Field of Corporate Personnel Training
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