Adaptation of the Assessment Methodology Management Competences of the Manager


Tokareva Yuliya1,Gasparovich E.2,Shurygina N.1,Linder V.1


1. Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

2. Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin


Assessment of the level of expressiveness of managerial competencies is one of the main tasks of a specialist in personnel management. As a result, the use of methods for assessing the managerial competencies of managers at enterprises, the adaptation of methods to the needs of various industries is an important area of research in the field of management. It is imperative that every organization has a reliable tool for assessing the managerial competencies of personnel. The theoretical analysis presented in the study showed that there are various models for assessing managerial competencies, but it is important to apply methods adapted to a specific organization, category of personnel. The process of assessing managerial competencies is beneficial not only for the company, but also for the employee himself, as it makes it possible to see the level of development of his competencies and determine the further path of his development, it becomes possible to be included in the personnel reserve. The study made it possible to assess the level of severity of managerial competencies of middle managers of an oil and gas enterprise. In the course of the study, the problem of the lack of a methodology for assessing managerial competencies at an oil and gas enterprise was identified. In order to improve the quality of work, the methodology of Yu.A. Tokareva. The introduction of an adapted methodology for assessing managerial competencies made it possible to demonstrate its reliability through the results of repeated testing, taking into account the requirements for a specific position, to give recommendations on the use of an adapted methodology to personnel management specialists.The novelty of the study is revealed in the fact that the methodology for assessing managerial competencies adapted in the work is an important tool for identifying the level of qualification of managers, namely the level of development of their managerial competencies. It is difficult to overestimate the practical significance of applying the adapted methodology, since it is on the basis of the level of managerial competencies of the employee that his further development plan is drawn up, which in the future will allow the enterprise to achieve even better results.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Religious studies,Cultural Studies

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