Personnel Development Management at the Enterprise With Mixed Labor Organization


Tokareva Y.1,Gasparovich E.1,Uskova E.1,Zotov A.1


1. Ural Federal University named First President of Russia B. Yeltsin


Personnel development management at an enterprise with a mixed labor organization is one of the promising areas of activity for a personnel management manager. The search for new managerial decisions on the implementation of this process in the practice of functioning of enterprise personnel management becomes significant. The theoretical analysis of existing experience has shown the narrow industry focus of the developed solutions for enterprises with a traditional form of labor organization, which leaves them of little use in broad practical HR activities in the context of the digitalization of the economy and the transition to a mixed labor organization. It is important to create a holistic view of the implementation plan for managing the development of personnel in an enterprise with a mixed labor organization. The problem of the lack of personnel development management leads to poor awareness of personnel about the organization’s capabilities in terms of personnel development, a low level of involvement of all categories of personnel in the development process, a decrease in labor productivity, and, as a result, a decrease in the competitiveness of an enterprise in the market. Thanks to the solution of the issue of effective management of personnel development in an enterprise with a mixed organization of labor in modern realities, the formation of a staff of qualified employees who are highly motivated to perform the tasks of the enterprise is being successfully implemented. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the efficiency of each employee and the entire organization, which means that the value of human resources in the enterprise is also subject to growth and development. The novelty of the study lies in the theoretical substantiation and development of the main provisions of personnel development management in a company division with a mixed labor organization. The practical significance of the study is the possibility of further implementation of the personnel development management plan for the commercial division of an enterprise with a mixed labor organization.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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