Where is the nation-state heading to?


Mladenovich Miroslav1,Miloshevich M.2


1. Belgrade University

2. Belgradskiy universitet


Although the state still acts as the main unit of historical, political, cultural, and economic life, many powerful factors force it to gradually abandon some of its traditional features and give way to larger transnational institutions. This trend will certainly continue to develop in the future. However, it would be wrong to conclude that this process is a one-sided and unambiguous. In fact, sovereignty in many segments will decrease and disappear, but there are elements in which it will persist and even grow. It is therefore unjustifiable to rush to proclaim the national state's death. It will continue to be one of the leading actors, because, as some researchers point out, a sharp reduction in sovereignty and violation of the traditional functions of the state can easily lead to chaos. This study aims to analyze and to describe the position and prospects of the nation state in the context of globalization. In a significantly changed socio-political situation, the question of the fate of the main political life subject within each society cannot be omitted. Considering that the state is an extremely complex and changeable phenomenon, the methodological apparatus for its examination should be very broad. In this study, which fits into the political philosophy field of the social sciences, the systemic method was used as the main one (inspection of various connections and relations within the state and its relationship with the external environment), as well as comparative method (socio-economic, political, social, historical, and other situations in various regions of the world). To a certain extent, political and legal analyses were carried out when considering the position of a citizen-individual in a changing world. This is of utmost significance, as the acceptance (voluntarily or compulsorily) of someone else's experience and institutions requires a change in both political and general culture.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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