1. Moscow State Linguistic University
The purpose of this review is to present and analyze the original textbook of the candidate of historical Sciences, Professor O.Z. Mushtuk "Business and politics", which has no analogues in the Russian educational literature. The author is known for many years of research on complex problems of the relationship between the political and business spheres of modern Russian realities. O.Z. Mushtuk broke his rich experience and knowledge through the creation of this manual, which also has an applied nature of a kind of practical course in political science for entrepreneurs. This is a serious attempt to answer basic questions – not only "who is to blame" for the troubles of modern Russian business, but also" what should domestic entrepreneurs do " in their relations with the state, bureaucratic structures, political parties, public organizations, and local authorities. According to the author, it is important for domestic business to solve two key tasks: on the one hand, to obtain from the state, officials the right to constructive dialogue and responsible business partnership, and on the other hand, to change the negative image formed by years of Russian market reforms, the negative image in the eyes of the population. To do this, the business community needs to become a truly creative, creative class, aware of its responsibility, aware of its social mission to serve the entire society, not just its own pocket and individual Bank accounts.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Reference3 articles.
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