Behavior models of concrete. General theory of degradation


Варламов Андрей,Varlamov Andrey,Римшин Владимир1,Rimshin Vladimir2


1. Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет

2. Nacional'nyy issledovatel'skiy Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy stroitel'nyy universitet


Is it possible eternal existence, and there will inevitably destruction? The monograph for the first time describes the General theory of degradation. The theory is described in its practical application to multifunctional composite concrete and reinforced concrete structures. As you know, the basis of these structures is concrete. The monograph is composed of two parts. The first part of the monograph deals with various modern approaches to modeling the behavior of concrete. Concrete is considered as the most important industrial building material. A comprehensive analysis of the behavior of concrete as a composite material is performed. Structural, technological, statistical and phenomenological models of its behavior are reviewed and considered. Describes the modern theoretical model of structural concrete, including model structural mechanics and fracture mechanics, theory of similarity and theory of loose bodies. Reviewed various proposals for how to transform the graphs of the behavior of concrete under various conditions. The results of our own experimental studies are presented. The information base of concrete behavior is obtained and described. Examples of the processed results in the database. On the basis of factor, canonical and regression analyses statistical models of concrete behavior are proposed. Structural analysis of concrete as a composite material allowed to develop models of its elastic behavior. The influence of concrete composite structure on its deformation and strength is revealed. The effect of cracks on the relative deformation of concrete is shown. In the second part of the monograph describes the main provisions of the theory of degradation as a General theory of destruction of the object. The relative independence of energy and time in the destruction of objects is revealed. A new characteristic of the object – the energy potential-is proposed. The connection of the theory of degradation with durability of various objects is shown. For concrete, two main forms of constructing a model of its behavior are identified. On the basis of the developed models of concrete behavior, diagrams of standard tests of concrete and transformed diagrams of its behavior in time are constructed. The possibility of using the developed models in relation to other materials and structures: steel, pipe concrete, wood, structures made of polymeric materials.


INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.

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