
Safin Radik1,Nizamov Rustam,Vafin Il'shat1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


The results of research conducted in 2023 on the fields of the Agrobiotechnopark of Kazan State Agrarian University are presented. The purpose of the research was to assess the influence of various green manure fallows on the agrophysical properties and phytopathological state of gray forest medium-loamy soil. The objectives of the research included studying the nature of changes in a number of agrophysical parameters (density, reserves of productive moisture, structure) and in the abundance of some soil phytopathogens when using pure and various green manure fallows. The steam-taking green manures were buckwheat, vetch-oat mixture, peas, white mustard, and oilseed radish. Pure steam served as control. The experiments were carried out within the framework of a long-term production hospital. The area allocated for each option was 1.5 hectares. The experiment was repeated three times. The soil of the experimental fields is highly cultivated, gray forest medium loamy. The agricultural technology for cultivating green manure crops was carried out according to the recommendations. The incorporation of green manure with legumes was carried out during their budding phase; buckwheat and cabbage green manure - during the beginning of flowering. The incorporation of green manure, especially white mustard, led to a decrease in soil density to 1.00. The highest soil structure was also observed in the variant with white mustard (76.2%). The use of white mustard and peas as green manures led, in comparison with pure steam, to an increase in the accumulation of productive moisture in the soil by 20 mm. Incorporation of buckwheat and white mustard contributed to the complete cleansing of the soil from phytopathogenic fungi. In general, among the studied fallow green manures, the best indicators for agrophysical and phytopathological properties of the soil were achieved when using white mustard.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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