The use of succinic acid plant growth regulator in rooting lignified cuttings of pear varieties and forms


Zacepina Ilona


As a result of the conducted research, it was found that when treated with succinic acid, the plant growth regulator, the greatest rooting result was observed in the varieties of pear Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudelnitsa. This indicator ranged from 75.1 to 77.8%. Without the use of a plant growth regulator (from 60.0 to 65.7%), the pear varieties Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudelnitsa had the greatest rootability. According to Table 2, the highest height of increments (from 15.0 to 15.6 cm) when treated with plant growth regulator succinic acid were characterized by pear varieties Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudelnitsa. The largest diameter of the conditional root neck when using the plant growth regulator succinic acid was characterized by the varieties of pear Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudesnitsa. This figure was 1.4 cm. The largest number of roots (from 8.0 to 8.6 pcs.) when treated with plant growth regulator succinic acid were the varieties of pear Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudelnitsa. When using the plant growth regulator succinic acid, the pear varieties Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudesnitsa had the highest root length (from 11.0 to 11.6 cm). Without the use of a plant growth regulator, the highest growth height (from 13.0 to 13.8 cm) was characterized by the varieties of pear Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudelnitsa. The largest diameter of the conditional root neck without treatment with a plant growth regulator was possessed by the pear varieties Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudelnitsa. This figure was 1.2 cm. Without the use of a plant growth regulator, the varieties Grushisvetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudesnitsa had the largest number of roots (from 6.0 to 6.5 pcs.). The largest root length (from 8.0 to 8.7 cm) without the use of a plant growth regulator was characterized by pear varieties Svetlyanka (k), Memory Yakovleva, Yakovlevskaya, Chudelnitsa.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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