
Amirov Marat1,Semenov Pavel,Minnullin Gennadiy1,Gilyazov Minnegali1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


In world agriculture, interest in growing filmy wheat varieties is growing from year to year. One of these types is double-grain wheat (Triticum dicoccum) spelt. This is due to the fact that the grain of this crop contains protein, which includes 18 essential amino acids. The aim of the study is to improve the technology of growing spelt varieties, to determine the parameters of removal of macronutrients from gray forest soils, as well as to clarify the calculated norms of fertilizer application. The research was conducted in 2021-2022 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Agrochemical characteristics of the soil of the experimental site: the humus content according to the Tyurin method is 3.6%, mobile phosphorus is 256...270 mg /kg, potassium is within 125...185 mg/kg according to the Kirsanov method. The acidity of the soil is close to neutral, with a pHsol index of 6.2. The object of research was double-layered spring wheat (spelt) of sample k-10456 and the Fleece variety. Experiments with fertilizers were carried out according to a five-step scheme (Wagner's method): 0; N7K15; N7P7; P7K15; N7P7K15. Against the calculated background of NPK nutrition for obtaining an average of 2.5 t/ha of grain in 2021-2022, the yield of spring wheat of the two-grain k-10456 variety was 2.78 t/ha, and the Fleece variety was 2.58 t/ha. The use of fertilizers made it possible to obtain spelt grains of a larger size, compared with the control. In addition, this did not lead to a significant decrease in the protein content of the grain. The use of mineral fertilizers in combination with N7K15, N7P7 and P7K15 contributed to an average yield increase of 9.7%, 10.2% and 14.6%, respectively. The application of N7P7K15 to spelt crops provided the largest increase in yield - by 0.42 t/ha or 18.6%.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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