
Afanas'eva Dariya,Kadyrova Fanyusya1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is widely cultivated as a food, fodder and industrial crop. Agricultural production needs to create a system of complementary varieties that takes into account regional characteristics. In order to select varieties adapted to the conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan, the seed qualities of 16 new varieties of different ecological and geographical origin, domestic and foreign selection were studied. The experiments were laid on the Arsk variety plot of the Republic of Tatarstan. The studies were carried out in 2020–2021. at the Department of General Agriculture, Plant Protection and Breeding of the Institute of Agrobiotechnologies and Land Use. The conditions of crop formation had a specific effect on the formation of seed germination, which is probably related to the level of their adaptive potential. According to the complex of morphometric data of seed sprouts, among the best varieties are Endan bred by the Kazan Federal Research Center, Finist - Samara FRC, Orda - Chelyabinsk Research Institute of Agriculture, Soratnik - Kurgansemena LLC, Kornet resistant - National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Guzel - bred by a French breeding and seed company. A comparative analysis of the change in the weight of 1000 grains of varieties under the influence of the conditions of a dry 2021 showed that the largest-grained genotypes with a weight of more than 54 g of selection from Germany, France, and the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in drought conditions reduce grain filling by 7-17%. The varieties of local selection Endan and Tevkech formed larger grains in the dry year 2021, which may be due to a longer grain filling due to the increased drought resistance of plants of these varieties. This indicator was also stable in the varieties Koldun (NAS of Belarus), Eifel France), and varieties of the Ural selection Orda and Soratnik, which may also indicate a higher level of plant homeostasis. The varieties Koldun, Nord 17/2645 and Nord 17/2610 were the most free from seed infection from the harvests of both years of study, which indicates their resistance to these types of fungal infection.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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