1. Kazan State Agrarian University
The results of studies on the effectiveness of seed treatment and plant spraying with various humic preparations on spring grain feed barley are presented. The objectives of the research included assessing the effect of various humic preparations on productivity, disease resistance and grain quality of spring barley under various methods of their application (seed treatment, plant spraying, seed treatment + plant spraying). The objects of research were spring two-row barley of the Raushan variety. Humic preparations Bigus and Gumat +7 were used. The research was carried out in 2022-2023 on gray forest, medium loamy soil. In 2022, moisture conditions during the growing season were favorable; in 2023, periodic severe drought events were observed. The use of humic preparations led to a decrease in the development of both leaf diseases (dark brown spot) and root rot. The drug Bigus Extra had a more pronounced effect on reducing the damage to plants by root rot. The use of humic preparations had a positive effect on the length of the stem and ear of barley. The maximum values of the stem length were when using seed treatment and spraying crops with Bigus Extra, and the greatest length of the ear was when using Gumi+7. The use of humic preparations increases the yield of spring barley from 11 to 27.8%. When using only seed treatment or only spraying of crops, Bigus Extra had an advantage in yield, and when using a combination – seed treatment + plant treatment Humat +7. The highest yield of spring barley (27.8% more than in the control) was obtained using a scheme in which seeds and plants were treated with Humate +7. The use of seed treatment followed by spraying of plants led to an increase in the protein content of barley grain. The use of humic preparations in which they are used for pre-sowing seed treatment and subsequently for spraying crops (twice) was optimal for spring barley.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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