
Afanasyeva Darya1,Kadyrova Fanyusya1


1. Kazan state agrarian university


The article presents the results of studies of the influence of agroecological factors on the formation of qualitative characteristics of spring barley varieties. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is widely cultivated as a fodder, industrial and food crop. The aim of the work is to study the features of the formation of some qualitative characteristics (laboratory germination, weight of 1000 seeds, bulk weight) of seeds of various varieties of spring barley, depending on the agro-climatic conditions of the growing season during the years of their formation. The objects of the study are 14 varieties of spring barley of domestic and foreign breeding, grown in 2020 and 2021, in the Arsk variety plot of the Predkama zone of the Republic of Tatarstan. The seeds of these varieties obtained in 2020 and 2021 were used for the study. At the same time, in 2020, the weather conditions were quite favorable for the growth and development of barley plants, and the conditions of 2021 were characterized by severely dry phenomena. Field experiments were laid in 2022 in the fields at Agrobiotechnopark LLC of Kazan State Agrarian University. At the same time, seeds of spring barley of the studied varieties of the harvest of 2020 and 2021 were sown. All seeds met the requirements of the standard for seed material. Presowing treatment of seeds was not carried out. Seeding rate - 5 million viable seeds per 1 ha. The growing season of 2022 was characterized by relatively moderate temperatures and sufficient precipitation to form a high yield. Agro-climatic conditions during the years of formation of the seed material (2020 and 2021) significantly affected the quality characteristics of the seeds of the 2022 crop. It was found that the seeds of the 2020 offspring varieties (Kamashevsky, Endan, Cornet resistant, Guzel, Zhivago) had low laboratory germination - 76%, 84%, 76%, 18%, and 68%, respectively. For the seeds of the 2021 harvest, the germination rate of the Kamashevsky and Kornet resistant varieties increased by 16%, the Guzel variety - by 58%, and the Zhivago variety - by 32%. Soratnik and Zhivago varieties showed the maximum laboratory germination from the seeds of the 2021 crop, their germination was 100%. The mass of 1000 grains of the harvest of 2022 of the variants of sowing with seeds of 2020 varied in the range from 45.9 to 59.3 g. The Nord 17/2645 variety turned out to be the most coarse - 66.5 g. Sorcerer (679 g/l). The volumetric weight of the crop obtained from the seeds of 2021 for varieties varied in the range from 640 to 690 g/l. The varieties Tevkech, Rafael, Soratnik, Eifel and Nord 17/2645 showed relatively high stability of these traits over the years.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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