Assessment of the influence of organomineral fertilizers on the formation of potato yield


Safin Radik1,Vafin Il'shat1


1. Kazan State Agrarian University


The results of field experiments on spring barley conducted in 2023 on the experimental fields of the Agrobiotechnopark of the Kazan State Agrarian University are presented. The purpose of the research was to assess the impact of the use of various compositions of organomineral fertilizers based on natural minerals (zeolite, diatomite, perlite), humates and food industry waste (buckwheat husk, beet molasses) developed at the Institute of Agrobiotechnologies and Land Management of Kazan State Agrarian University on the formation of the yield and grain quality of spring barley. The objectives of the research included studying the nature of changes in plant growth and development, yield and protein content in grain when using experimental organomineral fertilizers. The object of the study was spring barley of the Raushan variety. The control was the option without fertilizers; the standard was the application of 100 kg/ha of azofoska. Experimental fertilizers were applied at a rate of 120 kg/ha. All fertilizers in the experiment were applied before sowing. The studies were carried out on gray forest highly cultivated soil. The growing season conditions in 2023 were characterized by periodically severe drought phenomena, which affected the growth and development of spring barley plants. It was found that the application of experimental fertilizers contributed to the growth of the length of roots and above-ground parts of plants, and also reduced the damage to plants by root rot. Diatomite-based fertilizer had the greatest positive effect on reducing root rot damage. The largest increase in yield over the control (by 0.73 t/ha) and standard (by 0.22 t/ha) was obtained when using diatomite-based fertilizer. The use of all organomineral fertilizers (especially those based on zeolite) leads to an increase in the protein content in the grain.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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