Scientific Research at the Department of Engineering Graphics RTU MIREA


Vyshnyepolskiy Vladimir1,Boykov A.2,Egiazaryan K.1,Efremov A.2


1. MIREA — Russian Technological University

2. MIREA – Russian Technological University


Involving students in scientific activities is an important stage in the development of a future scientist. At the same time, the main difficulty is the need to interest the student. One of the factors that can generate such interest is to ensure the spirit of competition in the first attempts at scientific work. To do this, the Department of Engineering Graphics holds two sections in the Scientific and practical conference of students and graduate students of the RTU MIREA: : "Smart Home", for students of radio engineering specialties, where students are engaged in the design and implementation of prototypes of various radio engineering devices and sensors, and "Descriptive Geometry", for students of all areas of education, where they present their projects to the jury both in the field of research of academic geometric knowledge, as well as in the field of their practical application. The authors of the best projects presented in the sections are given the opportunity to speak at the All-Russian Student Competition "Innovative Developments", which is also organized by the Department of Engineering Graphics as part of the All-Russian Student Olympiad for Students in Descriptive Geometry, Engineering and Computer Graphics. For half a year between these events, students correct the project in accordance with the comments made by the jury, and if there are unrealized plans, they finalize them. The next stage in the development of students - participants of the above-mentioned conference and Competition - is the preparation of a scientific article based on their work in journals indexed in the RSCI. The student gains experience in preparing an articles, after which, as a rule, scientific work continues, and the student takes part in various scientific conferences with reports, where he gains experience in speaking to an audience and interacting with it, and also, under the guidance of a supervisor, prepares a scientific article or a number of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, while gaining experience in communicating with reviewers and correcting their comments on the work. This experience gives the student the skill of independence in further scientific work


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

Reference59 articles.

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