Development of a mathematical optimization model and application of dynamic programming methods in the task of managing the learning group of the training process of cadets of law enforcement agencies in higher educational institutions


Sumin Viktor1,Rodin S.2,Kravchenko Andrey3


1. Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penal Service

2. Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

3. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


This article discusses the problem of developing a mathematical model and applying dynamic programming methods to improve the effectiveness of the training process for students in the interests of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation in subordinate higher educational institutions, which, within the framework of this article, are considered as a complex organizational system. Currently, due to the existential challenges presented to our country, it is necessary to solve more multifaceted professional tasks by employees of law enforcement agencies in their practical activities. All this requires advanced professional training for solving professional tasks by law enforcement officers who study at higher educational institutions. The training of law enforcement officers in higher education institutions, like any complex organizational system, depends on the objective and subjective parameters that affect the functioning of this system. To this end, in order to increase the effectiveness of managerial decision-making in the process of training cadets of law enforcement agencies, heads of higher educational institutions responsible for improving the quality of the educational process should introduce information systems into the activity that operate on the basis of a mathematical apparatus describing the model of preparing students to perform professional duties. The development of mathematical models involves the use of the apparatus of the theory of operations research, as well as the theory of Markov random processes, in particular, the description of functioning based on processes with discrete states and continuous time and using game theory in order to achieve the necessary practical results is considered.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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