Development of a mathematical model for optimizing the process of training cadets of law enforcement agencies in higher educational institutions as a complex system


Sumin Viktor1,Dubrovin A.1,Rodin S.2,Zolnikov V.3


1. Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penal Service

2. Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

3. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


This article discusses the problem of developing a mathematical model to describe the process of training cadets of law enforcement agencies in higher educational institutions, which are a complex system. Currently, reality places high demands on the qualifications and personal qualities of law enforcement officers, which in turn requires the relevant educational organizations to carry out advanced professional training of specialists. The functioning of higher educational institutions of law enforcement agencies is influenced by objective and subjective factors. To this end, in order to increase the efficiency of managerial decision-making in the process of training cadets of law enforcement agencies in higher educational institutions, it is proposed to use a mathematical model of training and education of a group of cadets, developed on the basis of the method of operations research, specifically the theory of Markov random processes that occur during continuously changing time and use discrete states of the system. The mathematical model of training and education of a group of cadets in its functioning uses streams of events that have the properties of stationarity and ordinariness. The process of transition from one state to another is described in the form of a marked graph of states with a transition probability density. Setting the intensity of the event flows will allow you to find the limiting probabilities and predict the states in which the study group is located. This approach will reduce the level of subjectivity of university staff and will allow structuring and optimizing the process of assessing the level of knowledge of cadets.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


General Medicine

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