Conceptual Approaches to Formation of Wood Industry Cluster in Russia


Кожухов Николай1,Kozhukhov Nikolay2,Кожемяко Николай3,Kozhemyako Nikolay4,Фитчин Андрей3,Fitchin Andrey4


1. Мытищинский филиал Московского государственного технического университета имени Н.Э. Баумана

2. Moscow State Forest University

3. Государственный научный центр лесопромышленного комплекса

4. State Research Center for the timber industry complex


World experience shows the effectiveness of the creation of clusters in various industries. A lot of work and research domestic and foreign scholars and practitioners are dedicated to study and development of mechanisms of realization of industrial policy. The article analyzes the main indicators of the forest industry and forestry in Tomsk region in recent years, the basic provisions are revealed, Factors determining the development trends of the industry are analyzed. The authors identified the major systemic problems hindering the progressive development of forest sector in Tomsk region, including low level of development of periodic yield, the lack of transport and economically available forest resources, inadequate production structure and export of forest products, financial situation of enterprises of the sector, insufficient staffing, weak territorial cooperation of the enterprises and organizations. The article defines the objective conditions for creation of timber industry cluster in Tomsk region, goals, objectives and directions of sustainable development of the forest sector in Tomsk region on the basis of cluster approach are identified. Among the main areas that determine competitiveness of products and possibility of increasing the efficiency of forest management, the following issues are highlighted: development of deep processing of wood through the use of low-grade wood and wood waste, development of transport infrastructure in forests, improving human potential, expanding the range of manufactured timber enterprises in the cluster of products and implementation of joint projects. The conclusions can provide theoretical basis for further research in the field of economic security and development of timber processing complex and forestry. Obtained results can be used both by researchers in further research work to explore issues of cluster development of timber industry and regional authorities and business structures functioning in the sphere of forest industry.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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