Visual-Graphic Design of a Unitary Constructive Model to Solve Analogues For Apollonius Problem Taking into Account Imaginary Geometric Images


Волошинов Д.1,Voloshinov Denis2


1. Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет телекоммуникаций

2. The Bonch-Bruevich St.-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications


The Apollonius problem on construction of circles, tangent to three arbitrary given circles of a plane, is one of classical geometry’s well-studied problems. The presented paper’s materials are directed at development a unified theory for Apollonius problem solving, taking into account it’s not only real, but also invisible complex-valued images. In the paper it has been demonstrated, that fundamental geometric structures, on which Apollonius problem is based on, are applicable not only to real, but also to complex-valued data, that makes possible to eliminate many exceptions, currently existing in it. In this paper Apollonius problem’s fundamental nature and its strong correlation with projective and quadratic geometric transformations has been disclosed. It has been proved that Apollonius problem and its analogues have a single solution method, in contrast to the prevailing idea that these problems can be solved only by separate particular methods. A concept of geometric experiment proposed by the author has allowed find out many previously unknown and discussed in this paper common factors, due to the set of many computational tests in the system Simplex for visual design of geometric models. In this paper is considered an example for solving an analogue of Apollonian problem for three-dimensional space, but proposed algorithm’s operation is universal, and it can be equally applied to solving similar problems in spaces of arbitrary dimensions. Obtained results demonstrate capabilities of methods for constructive modeling and multidimensional descriptive geometry in application to solving of complex mathematical problems, and determine the trends in development for automation systems of constructive geometric modeling.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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