Development tendency of sowing air operating technology by unmanned aerial vehicles in artificial reforestation


Соколов Сергей1,Sokolov Sergey2,Новиков А.3,Novikov A.4


1. Ростовский государственный экономический университет

2. Rostov State University of Economics

3. Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет имени Г.Ф. Морозова

4. Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov


The choice of technology and technical means for sowing seeds is formed on the basis of analytical information on the structural characteristics of areas for artificial reforestation. The identification of the trends in the development of aerial forest processes by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is based on the methodology for a systematic review and patent search, taking into account the following criteria: the accuracy of the search, the inclusion of results, exclusion of results, extraction, and comparison of actual data. The main development trends are determined by: creation of aerial seeding technology on unsuitable and (or) inaccessible areas using UAVs with an integrated precision sowing device; development of new aerial control system, distinguished by the structure of closely integrated inertial-satellite monitoring system that provides for the loss of satellite measurements of the determination of all parameters of the motion of unmanned aerial vehicles by an autonomous algorithm, new types of sensors, functional components and algorithms for nonlinear filtering of positional parameters and parameters of angular motion of UAV; effective from the computational point of view, methodology of online monitoring of dynamic nonlinear objects based on information from electronic maps and satellite measurements; radically new complex studies of the relationship between the main operations of alternative presowing treatment and survival and preservation of forest cultures. The technology of forest aerial seeding during the development and setting for production will ensure: reduction in the environmental load on the environment and costs of artificial reforestation in these areas with simultaneous and subsequent monitoring of the results; optimal seed sowing schemes, taking into account the silvicultural requirements, and high-precision navigation of the UAV in the event of the loss of satellite measurements; use of high-quality reproductive material with specified qualitative characteristics, obtained with the use of technical means, which, at the earliest stage of processing, allocate viable color-seeded races, which are the basis for obtaining forest cultures with improved hereditary properties, and form seed-capsules with necessary physiological and physical and mechanical properties providing protective functions in the juvenile stage of ontogenesis.


Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov

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