Approximation of Linear Sets in the Plane


Юрков В.1,Yurkov V.2


1. Омский государственный педагогический университет

2. Omsk State Technical University


A few general lines in the ordinary Euclidean plane are said to be line generators of a plane linear set. To be able to say that every line of the set belongs to one-parametrical line set we have to find their envelope. We thus create a pencil of lines. In this article it will be shown that there are a finite number of pencils in one linear set. To find a pencil of lines the linear parametrical approximation is applied. Almost all of problems concerning the parametrical approximation of figure sets are well known and deeply developed for any point sets. The problem of approximation for non-point sets is an actual one. The aim of this paper is to give a path to parametrical approximation of linear sets defined in plane. The sets are discrete and consist of finite number of lines without any order. Each line of the set is given as y = ax + b. Parametrical approximation means a transformation the discrete set of lines into completely continuous family of lines. There are some problems. 1. The problem of order. It is necessary to represent the chaotic set of lines as well-ordered one. The problem is solved by means of directed circuits. Any of chaotic sets has a finite number of directed circuits. To create an order means to find all directed circuits in the given set. 2. The problem of choice. In order to find the best approximation, for example, the simplest one it is necessary to choose the simplest circuit. Some criteria of the choice are discussed in the paper. 3. Interpolation the set of line factors. A direct approach would simply construct an interpolation for all line factors. But this can lead to undesirable oscillations of the line family. To eliminate the oscillations the special factor interpolation are suggested. There are linear sets having one or several multiple points, one or several multiple lines and various combinations of multiple points and lines. Some theorems applied to these cases are formulated in the paper.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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