Modeling of Surface’s Micro- And Nanostructures for Solving of Gas Dynamics, Heat And Mass Transfer Problems


Брылкин Ю.1,Brylkin Yuriy2


1. Мытищинскиий филиал ФГБОУ ВПО «Московский государственный технический университет имени Н.Э. Баумана»

2. Mytischinskiiy filial FGBOU VPO «Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet imeni N.E. Baumana»


This paper is devoted to the problem of modeling a rough surface to ensure calculations for a flow around aircraft by high-enthalpy gas. The surface layer’s geometric characteristics along with the material’s chemical composition affect the surface’s optical indices and catalytic properties, and, consequently, on the measured heat flux. The problem of construction a geometric model for micro-surface has both fundamental and applied aspects. The fundamental nature stems from the fact that considered processes arising from the interaction of gas atoms and molecules with the surface are very complex ones. In such a case the correct interpretation for results of aircraft fragments’ ground experimental method is required. The work’s applied significance is determined by the need to optimize tools for flows diagnostic in high-enthalpy installations, in which simulation of thermal load affecting the aircraft in flight is taking place, as well as simulation of technological processes for heat-shielding materials and coatings development. Effective way for modeling of undifferentiated surfaces for gas dynamics problems solving is the use of fractal methods accounting the roughness at the micro- and nano-scale. They are based on the assertion that the natural surface’s structure has the same fractality at all levels. The development of this hypothesis has led to the emergence of a whole direction – material engineering – allowing most adequately describe self-organizing structures. Also, with the development of nanotechnologies, fractal geometry has found its own place in solving problems related to obtaining certain materials properties. As has been shown in the paper, fractal theory is a good mathematical tool for study of rigid bodies’ surface geometry and mechanisms influencing on the obtaining surface structure.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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