Амирова Эльмира,Amirova Elmira
In modern conditions of management, the Russian grain-based subcomplex functions in a new economic situation, this is facilitated by the introduction of international sanctions, Russia’s retaliatory embargo on food imports, the formation of strategic tasks of integration associations of the Eurasian Economic Union. Systemic problems, that arose in the early 1990 years in agro-food complexes and “overgrown” in the new century, remain unresolved. The most important are the low level of profitability of agricultural producers, a large number of intermediaries in the distribution process, the poor condition of the material and technical base of infrastructure enterprises, the underutilization of production capacities, the stagnation of domestic machinery for food, industry and agriculture, and low subsidies to agricultural producers by the state. At present, the form of economic relations between agricultural producers, storage organizations, processing, trade, intermediaries and infrastructure links, firstly, does not promote the achievement of synergy, sustainable management and competitiveness of products, and secondly, it does not ensure proper interaction between production and distribution of functional processes in the implementation of import substitution strategies in the agro-food sector. The solution of these and many other problematic issues in the development of the grain product subcomplex and, consequently, its adaptation to the new economic conditions require the development of a number of theoretical, methodological, analytical and practical provisions of the new “policy” in the field of functioning of agro-industrial subjects.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
Reference14 articles.
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