
Шагивалиев ,Shagivaliev Lenar


For 2005-2014 years, the decline of all indicators are observed, including a reduction in the number of workers, employed in agricultural production, is 51.9%. An analysis of main result indicators of the sub-sectors of agriculture – crops and livestock carried out. The average grain productivity for the study period declined to 18.5%. In animal husbandry the productivity of cows in 2005-2014 increased to 40.2%, an index of offspring improved, which reflects the possibility of increasing the cattle population in the future. The article discusses the main problems, hindering the further development of agriculture. It is necessary to develop the State program “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets of agricultural products, raw materials and food in the Republic of Tatarstan for 2013-2020”. Taking into account current situation in the agricultural sector, the major priorities of its development in different spheres are given.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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