Epatage as a Characteristic Feature of Digital Media


Zavadskaya Anastasiya1


1. Orenburg State Medical Academy


The article discusses the features of modern digital communication, which the author understands as social interaction of communicants aimed at informing the addressee and influencing him/her. Digital media genres have a set of features that allow them to be distinguished from many other media genres (intertextuality, hypertextuality, creolization). Competing with each other, the creators of digital texts try to make their texts more vivid, interesting, and memorable. It is for this purpose that many of them turn to such a phenomenon as outrage. After analyzing the texts of digital media (tweet reports, instagram texts and texts posted on the social network Facebook), the author concludes about the ways to create epatage at the lexical level. They included the use of reduced vocabulary, the use of words in a figurative meaning that is not fixed by explanatory dictionaries, the use of occasional and emotive vocabulary.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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