1. Volgograd State University
The object of the study is the actual socionyms functioning in the Russian-language Internet communication in 2000-2022. They reflect identities, characteristics that become the basis for the delimitation of the social space of society. The analysis includes semantic, motivological, word-formation analysis of socionyms, characterization of their usage, including usage in semantic formulas correlated with the dictionary of identity / characterization dictionary, determination of the tendency of socionyms to contexts with a certain sentiment. At the same time, a significant (down to zero marks) decrease in the frequency of analyzed socionyms in Russian-language Internet communication should be noted since February 2022. It is shown that socionyms function in formulas of identifying (self) definition, optionally in formulas of identifying spatial, event-related community. The described units refer mainly to the characterization dictionary, reflecting the stigmatization of groups based on individual socially significant properties (status-role, local, sociocultural) of subjects. The relevant parameters of group stigmatization expressed in the internal form of socionyms: “center” - “periphery” / “friends - newcomers”; “material well-being and its possible opportunities”, “values, goals and lifestyle” are determined. Significant dichotomies of semantic features in the meaning of the described socionyms are singled out, lexicalization of abbreviations, borrowing and shortening of words are determined as relevant types of word formation. The conjugation of most of the studied socionyms with contexts with negative tonality has been established. The signs associated with the denotation and reflected in the contexts of the functioning of socionyms are characterized.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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