1. Ryazan Guard Higher Airborne Command School
The article reveals the relevance of the study due to the need to develop the professional identity of military translators in the context of their preparation for professional communication in international conflicts. The research discloses the essence of the professional identity of military translators as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon, which is an integrative quality of the military translator's personality, characterized by understanding the social significance, purpose and meaning of military service, high motivation to fulfill professional duty, and the ability to linguistically support military activity at the international level. Special attention in the formation of the professional identity of military translators in a communicative context is paid to the mastery of military terminology and terminology combinations, linguistic realities and military slang, and the peculiarities of professional communication in the military sphere. The author concludes that the development of the professional identity of military translators contributes to the development of the personality of the future officer and is a means of improving the quality of the training of military translators for professional communication in international conflicts.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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