1. Ryazan State University named S. Yesenin
Developing professional identity of future specialists remains an important task of modern universities under different circumstances, either in traditional form of education or in digital educational space. Professional and learning communication acquire new forms under the influence of the rapid development of information and communication technologies. Online survey organized among teachers and students of Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin (57 respondents) showed, that most of the respondents support blended learning, combining traditional and online learning. In the process of developing professional identity of future specialists, online learning theory is possible, but practical training needs traditional format. That is why medical, technical, military and some other universities avoid online learning. Nevertheless, some forms of online communication remain very popular, among them organizing online conferences and round table discussions, using resources of electronic library systems, organizing independent work of students in distance courses on the platform of LMS Moodle, in-service training, etc.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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4 articles.