Media Aggression Within Political Communication Context (Based on British and US Media Texts)


Greydina N.1


1. The Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation


The research article presents a pragmatic communicative analysis of the concept «media aggression» as one of the forms of manipulative technologies in the field of public speech. Aggressive language behaviour is considered within the framework of media discourse through the use of language manipulation technologies. The description is given to manipulative nature and goal-setting of the British and American mass media. The concept «verbal aggression» and its forms (explicit and implicit) are differentiated in the media context based on the texts of British and American mass media. Various technologies of explicit and implicit forms of verbal aggression are considered. The methodological concept «information aggressiveness index» is introduced and is calculated on the basis of the presented analytical material. Both headline and text original media materials are analyzed. The nature of information policy is interpreted at the level of interstate relations. The theoretical positions of the research article are illustrated by the original examples of the topical political articles published by British and American media.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House

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