Political “Dominance” of J. Biden within the Context of Communicative Manipulation Technologies (Based on the English Language)


Greydina N.1


1. Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry


The research is a communicative analysis based on the interpretative model of speech behaviour of the incumbent US President J. Biden, demonstrating the implementation of an attempt of political dominance in the international context of the highest state level. The constructed form of communicative representation finds expression on the verbal and nonverbal levels. Specific communicative moves determined allow us to fully perceive the multidimensionality of the embedded meaning. Both the broad macro-textual and narrow micro-textual levels of political discourse are subjected to communicative analysis. The study of a political domination structure, the threat, interpreted through the means of communicative manipulation, acquires a deep consideration. One of the forms of psychological and tactical violence within the framework of political discourse is a threat. The latter receives a pragmatic implementation, reflecting the ways of manifestation in the context of communicative manipulation means – both of direct and indirect expression. Media materials in text and video formats are being studied. The conducted research introduces a number of clarifying theoretical positions in understanding the theory and practice of communicative manipulation technologies.


Infra-M Academic Publishing House


Pharmacology (medical)

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