1. Ryazan State University named after S. Yesenin
2. Ryazan State University named for S.A. Yesenin
Developing pedagogical communication is an important task for the pedagogical staff of modern universities, the fulfilment of which is of great importance not only for the traditional form of education but for the process of communication in the digital education space as well. The development of the information and communication technologies makes pedagogical communication more active and diverse; it broadens the borderlines of the professional interaction in the digital education space. In the context of the digital pedagogy the article shows such pedagogical processes as digital teaching, digital bringing up, cyber socialization and pedagogical communication. The authors analyse their own experience of creating distance courses on the platform of LMS Moodle and their work with the students of the pedagogical profile (bachelor and master students) of Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin. It is underlined that in the digital education space the teacher should be able of constructing the content of education, motivate the learners for hard work, and form their polymotivation, manage the independent work of the learners in getting new knowledge, organize educationally valuable communication. For the sake of preventing the learners’ rapid movement from reality to the virtual space the teacher should try to integrate different spaces of the learners’ lives – virtual and real. It is determined that the diversity of educational tasks and digital educational resources change the content of the pedagogical communication in accordance with various roles the teacher plays. It is shown that in the process of professional learning teachers should acquire certain knowledge of how to work with different digital technological means, of digital etiquette, rules of interaction, understanding the specific features of the digital pedagogical communication and collaboration.
Infra-M Academic Publishing House
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2 articles.