Supply Chain Performance Improvement by Using the SCOR Method in IKM Mushroom Merang Langsa City


Wati Risda,Nurlaila Handayani


Industri Kecil Menengah (IKM) Jamur Merang salah satu usaha yang memproduksi jamur merang atau yang biasa disebut Jamur Sawit yang berlokasi di gedubang jawa, Kota Langsa, yang didirikan pada tahun 2016. Permasalahan IKM Jamur Merang adalah pengelolahan supply chain, yaitu keterlambatan dalam pengiriman bibit dari pihak supplier, jadwal produksi yang terhambat,  pengiriman produk jadi ke retailer tidak terjadwal dan ketidakpastian permintaan konsumen, yang berdampak pada tingkat efektifitas dan efisiensi bisnisnya.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Mengidentifikasi dan menghitung total kinerja rantai pasok di  IKM Jamur Merang.. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Analitycal Hierarchy Proces (AHP) dan Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Hasil yang di peroleh dari pengolahan data IKM Jamur Merang didapatkan total kinerja supply chain di IKM Jamur Merang adalah 51,6234. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini, menentukan bobot masing-masing kriteria dengan menetukan bobot level 1, menghitung rata-rata,matriks berpasangan, matriks normalisasi, pembobotan matriks normalisasi, menghitung rasio konsistensi, menghitung konsistensi Vektor, dan  penentuan bobot level 2 dan menentukan total kinerja Supply Chain pada IKM Jamur Merang dengan melakukan pembobotan tingkat kepentingan tiap level menggunakan Analitycal Hierarchy Proces (AHP), menunjukkan tingkatan kinerja pada average. Kata Kunci: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Key Performance Indicator (KPI) , Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR).   ABSTRACT   Small and Medium Industry (IKM) Merang mushroom is one of the businesses that produces edible mushroom or commonly called Palm Mushroom which is located in Gedubang Jawa, Langsa City, which was established in 2016. The problem with the Merang mushroom IKM is supply chain, namely delays in the delivery of seeds from suppliers, delayed production schedules, scheduled delivery of finished products to retailers and uncertainty in consumer demand, which have an impact on the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the business. The purpose of this research is to calculate the total supply chain performance in IKM Merang. Processes (AHP) and Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR). Results Based on the calculation of the results obtained from the data processing of the Merang Mushroom IKM, the total supply chain performance in the Merang Mushroom IKM was 51.6234. The conclusions in this study, determine the weight of each criterion by determining the level 1 weight, calculating the average, paired matrix, normalization matrix, normalization matrix weighting matrix, calculating consistency ratio, calculating vector consistency, and level 2 weights and determining the total performance of Supply Chain on the Merang Mushroom IKM by weighting the importance of each level using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), showing the average level of performance.   Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Key Performance Indicator (KPI), Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR).


Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo


General Materials Science

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