Lestari Triwidiya,Astuti Ruli
This study aims to assess the impact of the School Literacy Movement program on the reading skills of grade I students at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan in Indonesia. Employing a quantitative approach, data was collected through tests and questionnaires. The sample comprised 24 grade I students. The findings revealed that the School Literacy Movement variable accounted for 73.8% of the variance in students' reading skills, while the remaining 26.2% was attributed to external variables or error. Test results indicated that over 50% of the students demonstrated excellent reading skills, with 13 students falling in the "very good" category, nine in the "good" category, and two in the "sufficient" category. This study underscores the significant influence of the school literacy movement in fostering improved reading abilities among grade I students, suggesting its potential for enhancing educational outcomes in Indonesia and beyond.
The School Literacy Movement program significantly influences grade I students' reading skills.
The quantitative method employed in the study allowed for data analysis and assessment.
The findings highlight the potential of the program in improving educational outcomes.
Keywords: School Literacy Movement, Grade I Students, Reading Skills, Quantitative Method, Educational Outcomes
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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