Cognitive Engagement Involvement as a Basis for Designing the Educational Process in the Preparation of Students of Pedagogical Directions


Garashkina N. V.1ORCID,Druzhinina A. A.2ORCID


1. Moscow State Regional University

2. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin


The article presents the rationale and definition of the parameters of cognitive engagement of students in pedagogical areas of training that optimize the design of educational activities at the university, the results of assessing the quality of the educational process in the preparation of bachelors in the direction of “Pedagogical education” at the Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin and Moscow State Regional University based on the application of the integral criterion of students’ cognitive engagement.The article analyzes foreign and domestic research in the field of “cognitive engagement”, the best practices for monitoring the engagement of students in other areas at the Higher School of Economics, MEPhI, at the universities of the USA, identifies the main indicators and defines an integral criterion for the cognitive engagement of students in pedagogical areas based on their coordination with the cognitive mode learning activities and cognitive strategies of students, as well as the experience of diagnosing the cognitive engagement of student teachers.The results of the study presented in the article are the basis for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of university departments that provide training of teaching staff by means of designing the educational process with high cognitive engagement of students. The developed diagnostic and technological tools can be used to manage, design, assess the quality of pedagogical activity, the educational result of a student and develop priority educational modes of training, learning technologies in higher pedagogical education, and can also serve as the basis for monitoring conducted by quality assessment units, auditing educational innovation at the university.


Moscow Polytechnic University


Sociology and Political Science,Education,Philosophy

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